🥳 That rarest of rare things
That’s right, a full day in range! Days like this are, unfortunately, rarer than rocking horse shit!
April 15, 2020
Diabetes - the beginning
Something I’ve wanted to do for ages is to try to describe my diabetes, how and why it affects me and frequently makes me a miserable grumpy git. In time (and more posts) I might even be able to make you understand how I get through so many goddamn jelly babies!
August 15, 2018
A rare event
This doesn’t happen often - a whole day where my blood glucose level was “in range”.
August 9, 2018
Random Saturday #478
This wasn’t what I was expecting to be doing this morning! Mum-in-law found him outside. A quick drink and he was off again!
August 4, 2018
So that’s why I felt crap...
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I realise now that all evening I’d been feeling run down but couldn’t (at the time) work out why. I didn’t feel low - in fact I felt like my blood sugars were high if anything after having a relatively big evening meal. I finally checked my blood sugars before getting ready to take my basal insulin… the below explains why I’ve felt rough! Nothing a few jelly babies can’t solve.
August 4, 2018